Appendix A : Data Catalogue

This appendix documents the details of the data catalogue for the CSIEM project, including the data classification, organization, and summary. All data that is uploaded to the CSIEM github repository is logged in the csiem-data CSIEM Data Catalogue. The catalogue (found in the data-governance directory) is comprised of a main data sheet (“CSIEM Data Catalogue”) as well as summary sheets for all processed data.

Cockburn data organization

All raw data is initially uploaded into the data/incoming directory is filed under either it’s WWMSP theme, or the agency responsible for supplying the data.

Data is then imported into a common format via the scripts found in the scripts/dataimport directory and stored in the data/store directory. Although some imported data may contain extra fields, all imported data contains the following fields:

Table 5.1: CSIEM Stored Data
Type Description
Site Info
Agency Name Name of Data Agency
Agency Code Unique Agency Code
Program Project Description
Project Project Code
Data File Name Name of Curated Datafile
Location Location of Curated Datafile
Station Status Active / Inactive
Lat Location of Station (LAT)
Long Location of Station (LON)
Time Zone Data Time Zone
Vertical Datum Vertical Datum Description
National Station ID Station ID
Site Description Site Information
Bad or Unavailable Data Value QC Code
Contact Email Agency Contact Details
Data Info
Variable ID Unique Variable ID
Data Classification Data Classification
Sampling Rate (min) Mean Sampling frequency of the data

Cockburn data catalogue

A summary of the available data categorised by these data types and by agency/supplier is shown below. Data is accesible via the data folder of the csiem-data GitHub repository. Please refer to the master data catalogue spreadsheet therein for data provenance information.

Table 5.2: CSIEM Data Catalogue
Group Agency / Organisation Agency ID Program Program Code Data Classification No of Sites Timing Mapping / Sites
National Facilities
National Facilities Bureau of Meteorology BOM Weather IDY MET General 16 On Demand Y
National Facilities Bureau of Meteorology BOM Australian Baseline Sea Level Monitoring Project IDO HYDRO Level 1 On Demand N
National Facilities Bureau of Meteorology BOM Australia Rainfall and River Conditions IDW HYDRO Flow 1 On Demand N
National Facilities Bureau of Meteorology BOM Australian Groundwater Data NGIS GW Level # On Demand N
National Facilities Integrated Marine Observing System IMOS AMNM Mooring AMNMMOORING HYDRO Sensor 7 Periodical y
National Facilities Integrated Marine Observing System IMOS BGC BGC WQ Grab # Periodical Y
National Facilities Integrated Marine Observing System IMOS ANMN Burst/Profiles AMNMProfile WQ Profile # Periodical y
State Agencies
State Agencies Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Swan Canning Estuary Monitoring SWANEST WQ Grab 26 Periodical Y
State Agencies Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Swan Catchment Sampling SWANCATCH WQ GRAB; HYDRO Flow 18 Periodical Y
State Agencies Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Canning River Estuary Sampling CANEST WQ Grab 17 Periodical Y
State Agencies Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Cockburn Sound Marine Water Quality Monitoring CSMWQ WQ Grab 19 Periodical Y
State Agencies Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Cockburn Sound Moorings CSMOORING WQ Sensor 8 On Demand Y
State Agencies Department of Transport DOT Coastal Data TIDE HYDRO Level 4 On Demand Y
State Agencies Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development DPRID Automatic Weather Stations AWS MET General # On Demand N
State Agencies Cockburn Sound Management Council CSMC Cockburn Sound Marine Water Quality Monitoring CSMWQ-MAFRL WQ Grab 23 Static N
Local Provider
Local Provider Fremantle Ports Authority FPA FPA WQ Sampling FPAWQ WQ Grab 14 Periodical Y
Local Provider Fremantle Ports Authority FPA FPA ADCP FPAADCP HYDRO Sensor 2 Periodical Y
Local Provider Fremantle Ports Authority FPA Fremantle Bulk Terminal FBT-WQ WQ Grab 1 Periodical N
Local Provider Fremantle Ports Authority FPA Fremantle Bulk Jetty FBJ-WQ WQ Grab 1 Periodical N
Local Provider BP Refinery BPR BP Refinery Kwinana BPR-WQ WQ Grab 1 Periodical N
Local Provider Tronox Kwinana Pigment Plant TKPP Tronox Kwinana Pigment Plant TKPP-WQ SED Grab 1 Periodical N
Local Provider CSBP Limited CSBP CSBP Limited CSBP-WQ WQ Grab 1 Periodical N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Coastal Waters 1995 NA NA NA NA N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Long-Term Ocean Outlet Monitoring PLOOM WQ Grab 3 Periodical Y
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Sepia Depression Ocean Outlet Landline SDOOL WQ Grab 32 Periodical y
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Sepia Depression Ocean Outlet Landline SDOOL-FLOW HYDRO Flow NA Periodical N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Seawater Desalination Plant PSDP-Profiling WQ Sensor 1 Periodical N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Seawater Desalination Plant PSDP-SCADA WQ Sensor 1 Periodical N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Seawater Desalination Plant PSDP-WQ WQ Grab 1 Periodical N
State Agencies Water Corporation WC Perth Seawater Desalination Plant PSDP-BRINE HYDRO Sensor 1 Periodical N
State Agencies Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions DBCA Cockburn Sound Env Study (1970) DEC-CSES NA NA NA N
State Programs Department of Water and Environmental Regulation DWER Souther Metropolitan Coastal Waters (1990) EPA-SMCW NA NA NA N
State Programs Western Australian Marine Science Institution WAMSI WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program WWMSP5.1 WQ Sensor; HYDRO Sensor; HYDRO Level 7 Static Y
State Programs Western Australian Marine Science Institution WAMSI WAMSI Westport Marine Science Program WWMSP3 WQ Grab 18 Ongoing Y
Local Provider University of Western Australia UWA CWR studies CWR WQ Sensor; HYDRO Sensor # On Demand N
Local Provider University of Western Australia UWA SCEVO AED WQ Grab;WQ Sensor;WQ Profile;HYDRO Flow # Static N
Local Provider University of Western Australia UWA CWR CTD Profiling CWRCTD WQ Sensor # NA Y
Local Provider University of Western Australia UWA GK-PAR GK-PAR WQ Sensor 1 Static NA