Modelling Quokkas in R

Setting up

Create a new R script

  • Go File -> New File -> R Script
  • Load the tidyverse

Declare the constants as variables

birthRate  <- 1
deathRate  <- 0.1
timestep  <- 1 # i.e. 1 year
timeMax <- 30
carryCap  <- 10000

Create a new data frame of the initial values

  • A data frame is simply a table
  • year, relativeCarryCap, quokkaRate, and quokkaRate will be created as new columns in that table
  • Inspect model with the head() function
model  <- data.frame(
    year = 1,
    relativeCarryCap  = NA,
    quokkaRate = NA,
    quokkaPop = 5

##   year relativeCarryCap quokkaRate quokkaPop
## 1    1               NA         NA         5


Calculate the next timestep

For the next time step we’ll need to compute new values for year, relativeCarryCap, quokkaRate, and quokkaPop. These values will be appended as a new row (i.e. timestep) to the model data frame.

  • yeartakes a value of 2
year <- 2
  • relativeCarryCap is the result of the previous quokka population divided by the carrying capacity
  • model$quokkaPop[1] specifies the population in the previous row (row 1) i.e. the previous time step
relativeCarryCap  <-  model$quokkaPop[1]/carryCap
  • quokkaRate and quokkaPop are calculated in the same fashion i.e. using the constants and values in the previous row of the model data frame
quokkaRate <- timestep*((1-relativeCarryCap)*birthRate*model$quokkaPop[1]-(deathRate*model$quokkaPop[1]))

quokkaPop <-  quokkaRate+model$quokkaPop[1]
  • Next, we’ll create an identical data frame to model with our new values
model_temp  <- data.frame(
        year = year,
        relativeCarryCap = relativeCarryCap,
        quokkaRate = quokkaRate,
        quokkaPop = quokkaPop

##   year relativeCarryCap quokkaRate quokkaPop
## 1    2            5e-04     4.4975    9.4975
  • We can append this time step to model by using the rbind() function
model  <- rbind(model,model_temp)
##   year relativeCarryCap quokkaRate quokkaPop
## 1    1               NA         NA    5.0000
## 2    2            5e-04     4.4975    9.4975

Speeding things up

Want to repeat that process for the next 29 time steps? Probably not. Let’s create a loop that iterates through each year, calculates the new values, and appends them to the model data frame.

for(i in 2:timeMax){

    year  <- i
    relativeCarryCap  <-  model$quokkaPop[i-1]/carryCap
    quokkaRate = timestep*((1-relativeCarryCap)*birthRate*model$quokkaPop[i-1]-(deathRate*model$quokkaPop[i-1]))
    quokkaPop = quokkaRate+model$quokkaPop[i-1]

    model_temp  <- data.frame(
        year = year,
        relativeCarryCap = relativeCarryCap,
        quokkaRate = quokkaRate,
        quokkaPop = quokkaPop

    model  <- rbind(model,model_temp)


Visualise the modelled populations with ggplot

    labs(x="Year", y="Quokka population")+