Forthcoming chapters

A number of additional chapters describing additional AED modules are a work in progress, including:

  1. Host-model coupling;
  2. Tracers and water age;
  3. Suspended sediment;
  4. Further development/expansion of silica, inorganic phosphorus, organic matter, and phytoplankton chapters;
  5. Zooplankton;
  6. Total nutrients and carbon;
  7. Stable isotopes;
  8. Bioactive particles;
  9. Submerged macrophytes;
  10. Macroalgae;
  11. Benthic habitat quality;
  12. Soil hydrology;
  13. Soil biogeochemistry;
  14. Acid sulfate soils;
  15. Riparian vegetation; and
  16. Riparian habitat quality;

We invite you to contribute to these chapters!

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To build the book locally, clone or download the aed-science repo, load R in root directory (e.g. by opening aed-sceince.Rproj in RStudio) and run the following lines:

bookdown::render_book("index.Rmd") # to build the book
browseURL("_book/index.html") # to view it