16 Benthic Habitat Quality

16.1 Contributors

Matt Hipsey, Sherry Zhai

16.2 Overview

The model simulates “habitat suitability” based on an assessment of environmental conditions relative to the known requirements of the studied species, for example, considering salinity, light, dissolved oxygen and/or other environmental conditions. More specifically, a relative index, Habitat Suitability Index (HSI), is defined based on species tolerance thresholds and calculated to infer spatio-temporal probabilities of habitat suitability. The HSI ranges from 0 to 1, indicating habitat being least suitable to most suitable. For species with distinct requirements for each life-stage (e.g., seed germination, egg incubation), the model assesses environmental conditions against thresholds set for each life-stage. The model outputs HSI for each model cell at each time step based on simulated environmental conditions from the host model. The output can subsequently be processed and assessed in a programming language (e.g., Matlab, R) according to the research question. For example, for studies considering multiple life-stages in the life cycle of a species (e.g., seed germination – vegetative growth – flowering – seed production), model output for each life-stage can be integrated over a biological relevant period based on the typical duration and seasonal timing, into an overall habitat suitability for successful completion of its life cycle.

16.3 Model Description - Ruppia Habitat

The model is originally based on an application to the Coorong Lagoon in South Australia for a keystone seagrass species Ruppia tuberosa. R. tuberosa’s annual life cycle includes several life-stages including both sexual and asexual reproductive pathways, as indicated in Figure 16.1. The identified environmental controls on growth include salinity, temperature, light, water depth and macroalgae presence. Refer to the CDM manual for further details on Ruppia and the Coorong.

The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) is computed based on suitability of conditions (\(i\)), for each of the main life-stages (\(j\)), by defining a fractional index, \(Φ^{HSIj}_{i}\). The fractional index for each attribute is computed in each model cell (\(c\)) at each time step (\(t\)). The individual functions are piece wise, based on synthesis of available literature and analyses of survey data (Table 16.2). Refer to the CDM manual for details on rationale.

Conceptual diagram of the *R. tuberosa* five-stage life cycle showing annual growth through three possible life cycle pathways: vegetative (whole plant survival); asexual persistence (turions); sexual (seed bank). (Source: Asanopoulos and Waycott, 2020).

Figure 16.1: Conceptual diagram of the R. tuberosa five-stage life cycle showing annual growth through three possible life cycle pathways: vegetative (whole plant survival); asexual persistence (turions); sexual (seed bank). (Source: Asanopoulos and Waycott, 2020).

16.3.1 Feedbacks to the Host Model

The habitat module has no feedbacks to the host hydrodynamic model.

16.3.2 Variable Summary

The diagnostic outputs able to be output are summarised in Table 16.1.

Table 16.1: Diagnostics variables created by the AED Ruppia habitat module.
AED name Symbol Description Unit Type Typical Range Comments
diag_level = ?
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_1 \[\Phi^{adt}_{S}\] HSI for adult growth based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_2 \[\Phi^{flw}_{S}\] HSI for flowering based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_3 \[\Phi^{germ}_{S}\] HSI for seed germination based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_4 \[\Phi^{tur}_{S}\] HSI for turion formation based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_5 \[\Phi^{spr}_{S}\] HSI for turion sprouting based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FSAL_6 \[\Phi^{via}_{S}\] HSI for turion viability during dormancy based on salinity tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_1 \[\Phi^{adt}_{T}\] HSI for adult growth based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_2 \[\Phi^{flw}_{T}\] HSI for flowering based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_3 \[\Phi^{germ}_{T}\] HSI for seed germination based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_4 \[\Phi^{tur}_{T}\] HSI for turion formation based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_5 \[\Phi^{spr}_{T}\] HSI for turion sprouting based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FTEM_6 \[\Phi^{via}_{T}\] HSI for turion viability during dormancy based on temperature tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_1 \[\Phi^{adt}_{I}\] HSI for adult growth based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_2 \[\Phi^{flw}_{I}\] HSI for flowering based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_3 \[\Phi^{germ}_{I}\] HSI for seed germination based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_4 \[\Phi^{tur}_{I}\] HSI for turion formation based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_5 \[\Phi^{spr}_{I}\] HSI for turion sprouting based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FLGT_6 \[\Phi^{via}_{I}\] HSI for turion viability during dormancy based on light tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_1 \[\Phi^{adt}_{D}\] HSI for adult growth based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_2 \[\Phi^{flw}_{D}\] HSI for flowering based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_3 \[\Phi^{germ}_{D}\] HSI for seed germination based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_4 \[\Phi^{tur}_{D}\] HSI for turion formation based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_5 \[\Phi^{spr}_{D}\] HSI for turion sprouting based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FDEP_6 \[\Phi^{via}_{D}\] HSI for turion viability during dormancy based on water depth tolerance benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_1 \[\Phi^{adt}_{A}\] HSI for adult growth based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_2 \[\Phi^{flw}_{A}\] HSI for flowering based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_3 \[\Phi^{germ}_{A}\] HSI for seed germination based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_4 \[\Phi^{tur}_{A}\] HSI for turion formation based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_5 \[\Phi^{spr}_{A}\] HSI for turion sprouting based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_FALG_6 \[\Phi^{via}_{A}\] HSI for turion viability during dormancy based on macroalgae presence benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_PLANT benthic 0 - 1
HAB_RUPPIA_HSI_SEED benthic 0 - 1
HAB_WETTIME benthic 0 - 1
HAB_DRYTIME benthic 0 - 1

16.3.3 Parameter Summary

The environmental thresholds and HSI functions used by this model are summarised in Table 16.2.

Table 16.2: Environmental thresholds and Habitat Suitability functions for Ruppia life stages used in the model.
Environmental condition (j) Symbol Threshold HSI function - equations HSI function - response curve Source
Turion viability (Jan 1 – Mar 31)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{via}_{S}\) <135 optimal
135 – 165 suboptimal
>=165 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{via}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\ge 165\\ 1-\frac{S-135}{165-135}, 135 \le S \lt 165 \\ 1, S \lt 135 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2013);
Kim et al. (2015)
Seed germination (Apr 1 – Jun 30)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{germ}_{S}\) <=0.1 unsuitable
0.1-40 optimal
40-85 suboptimal
>85 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{germ}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\le 0.1 or S\gt 85\\ 1-\frac{S-40}{85-40}, 40 \le S \le 85 \\ 1, 0.1\lt S \lt 40 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2013)
T: Temperature (°C) \(\Phi^{germ}_{T}\) <4 unsuitable
4-10 suboptimal
10-23 optimal
23-30 suboptimal
>30 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{germ}_{T}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, T\le 4 or T\gt 30\\ \frac{T-4}{10-4}, 4 \lt T \le 10\\1-\frac{T-23}{30-23}, 23 \lt T \le 30 \\ 1,10\lt T \lt 23 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
D: Water depth (m) \(\Phi^{germ}_{D}\) Permanent dry: unsuitable
<15 days wet (>95% of time): unsuitable
15-42 days wet (>95% of time): suboptimal
>42 days wet (>95% of time): optimal

Permanently wet: optimal
- -
Turion sprouting (Apr 1 – Jun 30)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{spr}_{S}\) <=0.1 unsuitable
0.1-20 suboptimal
20-75 optimal
75-125 suboptimal
>125 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{spr}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\le 0.1 or S\gt 125\\ \frac{S-0.1}{20-0.1}, 0.1 \lt S \le 20\\1-\frac{S-75}{125-75}, 75 \lt S \le 125 \\ 1,20\lt S \lt 75 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2013);
Asanopoulos and Waycott (2020) Fig.5
T: Temperature (°C) \(\Phi^{spr}_{T}\) <4 unsuitable
4-10 suboptimal
10-23 optimal
23-30 suboptimal
>30 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{spr}_{T}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, T\le 4 or T\gt 30\\ \frac{T-4}{10-4}, 4 \lt T \le 10\\1-\frac{T-23}{30-23}, 23 \lt T \le 30 \\ 1,10\lt T \lt 23 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
L: Light (%SI) \(\Phi^{spr}_{L}\) <=5 unsuitable
5-36 suboptimal
>=36 optimal
\(\Phi^{spr}_{L}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, L\lt 5\\ \frac{L-5}{36-5}, 5 \le L \lt 36 \\ 1,L \gt 36 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
D: Water depth (m) \(\Phi^{spr}_{D}\) <=0.01 unsuitable
0.01-0.2 suboptimal
>0.2 optimal
\(\Phi^{spr}_{D}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, D\lt 0.01\\ \frac{D-0.01}{0.2-0.01}, 0.01 \le D \lt 0.2 \\ 1,D \gt 0.2 \end{cases}\] Collier et al. (2017)
Adult plant growth (Jun 1 – Sep 30)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{adt}_{S}\) <10 unsuitable
10-19 suboptimal
19-124 optimal
124-230 suboptimal
>230 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{adt}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\lt 10 or S\gt 230\\ \frac{S-10}{19-10}, 10 \le S \lt 19\\1-\frac{S-124}{230-124}, 124 \lt S \le 230\\ 1,19\le S \le 124 \end{cases}\] Brock (1982);
Kim et al. (2015);
Collier et al. (2017);
Asanopoulos and Waycott (2020)
T: Temperature (°C) \(\Phi^{adt}_{T}\) <4 unsuitable
4-10 suboptimal
10-23 optimal
23-30 suboptimal
>30 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{adt}_{T}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, T\le 4 or T\gt 30\\ \frac{T-4}{10-4}, 4 \lt T \le 10\\1-\frac{T-23}{30-23}, 23 \lt T \le 30 \\ 1,10\lt T \lt 23 \end{cases}\] Santamarı́a and Hootsmans (1998) cited in Collier et al. (2017)
L: Light (%SI) \(\Phi^{adt}_{L}\) <=5 unsuitable
5-36 suboptimal
>=36 optimal
\(\Phi^{adt}_{L}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, L\lt 5\\ \frac{L-5}{36-5}, 5 \le L \lt 36 \\ 1,L \gt 36 \end{cases}\] Collier et al. (2017) cited in Asanopoulos and Waycott (2020)
D: Water depth (m) \(\Phi^{adt}_{D}\) < 10 % of time wet: unsuitable
>= 10 % of time wet: suitable
- - Kim et al. (2015);
Collier et al. (2017)
A: Algal biomass (g DW m-2) \(\Phi^{adt}_{A}\) <=100 optimal
100-368 suboptimal
>368 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{adt}_{A}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, A\gt 368\\ 1-\frac{A-100}{368-100}, 100 \lt A \le 368 \\ 1, A \le 100 \end{cases}\] Lewis et al. (2022)
Flowering and seed set (Sep 1 – Dec 31)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{flw}_{S}\) <12 unsuitable
12-47 suboptimal
47-62 optimal
62-100 suboptimal
>100 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{flw}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\lt 47 or S\gt 100\\ \frac{S-12}{47-12}, 12 \le S \lt 47\\1-\frac{S-62}{100-62}, 62 \lt S \le 100\\ 1,47\le S \le 62 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2015);
Collier et al. (2017);
Asanopoulos and Waycott (2020)
T: Temperature (°C) \(\Phi^{flw}_{T}\) <4 unsuitable
4-10 suboptimal
10-23 optimal
23-30 suboptimal
>30 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{flw}_{T}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, T\le 4 or T\gt 30\\ \frac{T-4}{10-4}, 4 \lt T \le 10\\1-\frac{T-23}{30-23}, 23 \lt T \le 30 \\ 1,10\lt T \lt 23 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
L: Light (%SI) \(\Phi^{flw}_{L}\) <=5 unsuitable
5-36 suboptimal
>=36 optimal
\(\Phi^{flw}_{L}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, L\lt 5\\ \frac{L-5}{36-5}, 5 \le L \lt 36 \\ 1,L \gt 36 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
D: Water depth (m) \(\Phi^{flw}_{D}\) <0.01 unsuitable
0.01-0.1 suboptimal
0.1-0.4 optimal
0.4-0.9 suboptimal
>0.9 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{flw}_{D}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, D\le 0.01 or T\gt 0.9\\ \frac{D-0.01}{0.1-0.01}, 0.01 \lt D \le 0.1\\1-\frac{D-0.4}{0.9-0.4}, 23 \lt D \le 0.9 \\ 1,10\lt D \lt 0.4 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2015);
Collier et al. (2017);
A: Algal biomass (g DW m-2) \(\Phi^{flw}_{A}\) <=100 optimal
100-184 suboptimal
>184 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{flw}_{A}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, A\gt 184\\ 1-\frac{A-100}{184-100}, 100 \lt A \le 184 \\ 1, A \le 100 \end{cases}\] Lewis et al. (2022)
Turion formation (Sep 1 – Dec 31)
S: Salinity (g/L) \(\Phi^{tur}_{S}\) <40 unsuitable
40-70 suboptimal
70-160 optimal
160-230 suboptimal
>230 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{tur}_{S}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, S\lt 40 or S\gt 230\\ \frac{S-40}{70-40}, 40 \le S \lt 70\\1-\frac{S-160}{230-160}, 160 \lt S \le 230\\ 1,70\le S \le 160 \end{cases}\] Kim et al. (2015);
Asanopoulos and Waycott (2020)
T: Temperature (°C) \(\Phi^{tur}_{T}\) <4 unsuitable
4-10 suboptimal
10-23 optimal
23-30 suboptimal
>30 unsuitable
\(\Phi^{tur}_{T}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, T\le 4 or T\gt 30\\ \frac{T-4}{10-4}, 4 \lt T \le 10\\1-\frac{T-23}{30-23}, 23 \lt T \le 30 \\ 1,10\lt T \lt 23 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
L: Light (%SI) \(\Phi^{tur}_{L}\) <=5 unsuitable
5-36 suboptimal
>=36 optimal
\(\Phi^{tur}_{L}\)= \[\begin{cases} 0, L\lt 5\\ \frac{L-5}{36-5}, 5 \le L \lt 36 \\ 1,L \gt 36 \end{cases}\] Assumed to be the same as adult growth
D: Water depth (m) \(\Phi^{tur}_{D}\) < 10 % of time wet: unsuitable
>= 10 % of time wet: suitable

16.3.4 Post-processing

The Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) computed at each time step (\(t\)) in the habitat module can be integrated over a time window, specific to the Ruppia’s life stage.

\[ \Phi^{HSI_{j}}_{i} = \frac{1}{t_{j_{\text{start}}}-t_{j_{\text{end}}}} \sum^{t_{j_{\text{end}}}}_{t=t_{j_{\text{start}}}}\Phi^{HSI_{j}}_{i}(i)_{t} \tag{16.1} \\ \scriptsize{ \\ \text{whereby: $i$ = {salinity, temperature, light, depth, algae}} \\ \text{and: $j$ = {turion viability, seed germination, turion sprouting, adult growth, flowering, turion formation}}} \]

The integration time for each life-stage, \(j\), is selected from within the available plant growth windows, as indicated in Table 16.3.

Table 16.3: Life-stage time windows over which environmental suitability for Ruppia is assessed.
Life-stage, \(j\) Turion viability Seed germination/Turion sprouting Adult growth Flowering/Turion formation
Start date, \(t_{jstart}\) Jan 1 Apr 1 Jun 1 Sep 1
End date, \(t_{jend}\) Mar 31 Jun 30 Sep 30 Dec 31

The above function is computed in each cell and produces maps of suitability for each environmental attribute for each life stage within any given year. These are then overlaid to produce a final map for any given year for:

  • An overall HSI sexual, representing the integrated habitat suitability for Ruppia to complete its annual life cycle by reproducing sexually, i.e., flowering, which includes i) emerging in autumn, either from germination from seed or sprouting from viable turions that survived the summer; ii) vegetative growth to adult plants in winter; and iii) successful flowering and producing seed in spring; or

  • An overall HSI asexual, representing the integrated habitat suitability for Ruppia to complete its annual life cycle by reproducing asexually, i.e., forming turions, which includes i) emerging in autumn, either from germination from seed or sprouting from viable turions that survived the summer; ii) vegetative growth to adult plants in winter; and iii) formation of turions in spring. Specifically:

\[ \Phi^{HSI sexual}_{c} = \text{min}\left[\text{max}\left[\Phi^{HSI_{seed}}_{i},\text{min}\left[\Phi^{HSI_{viability}}_{i},\Phi^{HSI_{sprout}}_{i}\right]\right],\Phi^{HSI_{adult}}_{i},\Phi^{HSI_{flower}}_{i}\right]_{c} \tag{16.2} \]

\[ \Phi^{HSI asexual}_{c} = \text{min}\left[\text{max}\left[\Phi^{HSI_{seed}}_{i},\text{min}\left[\Phi^{HSI_{viability}}_{i},\Phi^{HSI_{sprout}}_{i}\right]\right],\Phi^{HSI_{adult}}_{i},\Phi^{HSI_{turion}}_{i}\right]_{c} \tag{16.3} \]

To compare the overall area of suitable habitat between years, or the relative suitability of alternate scenarios, the fractional suitability is used as a multiplier with the cell area, according to:

\[ A^{HSI} = \sum_{c} \Phi^{HSI}_{c} A_{c} \tag{16.4} \]

and the spatially averaged HSI in any given region (with area A) is computed as:

\[ \overline{HSI} = \frac{1}{A}\sum_{c} \Phi^{HSI}_{c} A_{c} \tag{16.5} \]

16.4 Setup & Configuration

An example aed.nml parameter specification block for the aed_habitat module is shown below:

    simRuppiaHabitat  = 2
    diag_level  =  3
    rhsi_falg_link  = 'MAG_ulva_a_ben'
    rhsi_salg_link  = 'MAG_ulva_c'

16.5 Case Studies & Examples

16.5.1 Case Study

The Ruppia Habitat model was applied to the Coorong Lagoon in South Australia. The Coorong Lagoon is a hypersaline system situated at the end of the Murray-Darling basin and a Ramsar Wetland of international importance (Figure 16.2). The growth of the keystone seagrass species Ruppia tuberosa in this system is influenced by environmental factors such as salinity, water level, light availability, temperature and macroalgae presence.

Figure 16.2: Map of the Coorong Lagoon in South Australia.

The hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model TUFLOW-FV was coupled with AED to simulate the hydrodynamic conditions (velocity, salinity, temperature and water level), water clarity (light and turbidity) and the potential for filamentous algae (nutrients and algae). Outputs were used to assess habitat quality for various life-stages of Ruppia in the aed_habitat module (examples are shown in Figure 16.3 and Figure 16.4. Refer to CDM manual for details of the study.

Habitat suitability (HSI) for the flowering plant phase of *Ruppia tuberosa* in the Coorong as a function of salinity f(S), light f(l), water level f(WL), temperature f(T) and presence of filamentous algae f(FA) for the base case in 2020. An HSI of 0 (dark purple) represents unsuitable habitat conditions, while an HSI of 1 represents optimal conditions (yellow).

Figure 16.3: Habitat suitability (HSI) for the flowering plant phase of Ruppia tuberosa in the Coorong as a function of salinity f(S), light f(l), water level f(WL), temperature f(T) and presence of filamentous algae f(FA) for the base case in 2020. An HSI of 0 (dark purple) represents unsuitable habitat conditions, while an HSI of 1 represents optimal conditions (yellow).

Overall HSI for the successful completion of the sexual life cycle calculated by integrating the HSI results for seed germination, turion viability and turion sprouting, adult plants, and flowering and seed set in the Coorong, for the Base Case in 2020. An HSI of 0 (dark purple) represents unsuitable habitat conditions, while an HSI of 1 represents optimal conditions (yellow).

Figure 16.4: Overall HSI for the successful completion of the sexual life cycle calculated by integrating the HSI results for seed germination, turion viability and turion sprouting, adult plants, and flowering and seed set in the Coorong, for the Base Case in 2020. An HSI of 0 (dark purple) represents unsuitable habitat conditions, while an HSI of 1 represents optimal conditions (yellow).

16.5.2 Publications

Author/Year Paper Title Description

Brookes et al. (2022)

Environmental flows to estuaries and coastal lagoons shape the salinity gradient and generate suitable fish habitat: Predictions from the Coorong, Australia



Asanopoulos, C., Waycott, M., 2020. The growth of aquatic macrophytes (ruppia tuberosa spp. And althenia cylindrocarpa) and the filamentous algal community in the southern coorong. Goyder institute for water research technical report series no.20/13.
Brock, M.A., 1982. Biology of the salinity tolerant genus Ruppia L. in saline lakes in South Australia II. Population ecology and reproductive biology, Aquatic Botany 13, 249–268. https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3770(82)90063-8
Collier, C, Dijk, van, K, Erftemeijer, P, Foster, N, Hipsey, M, O’Laughlin, E, K., Ticli, Waycott, M., 2017. Optimising coorong ruppia habitat. Stratigies to improve habitat conditions for ruppia tuberosa in the coorong (south australia) based on literature review, manipulative experiments and predictive modelling.
Kim, D., Aldridge, K.T., Ganf, G.G., Brookes, J.D., 2015. Physicochemical influences on ruppia tuberosa abundance and distribution mediated through life cycle stages, Inland Waters 5, 451–460. https://doi.org/10.5268/iw-5.4.709
Kim, D.H., Aldridge, K.T., Brookes, J.D., Ganf, G.G., 2013. The effect of salinity on the germination of Ruppia tuberosa and Ruppia megacarpa and implications for the Coorong: A coastal lagoon of southern Australia, Aquatic Botany 111, 81–88. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquabot.2013.06.008
Lewis, R., Waycott, M., O’Loughlin E J, Urgl, C, Dijk, van, K J, Calladine, A., Nicol, J., 2022. Distribution and seasonality of the ruppia dominated aquatic macrophyte community and filamentous algae in the southern coorong., Goyder Institute for Water Research Technical Report Series.
Santamarı́a, L., Hootsmans, M.J.M., 1998. The effect of temperature on the photosynthesis, growth and reproduction of a Mediterranean submerged macrophyte, Ruppia drepanensis, Aquatic Botany 60, 169–188. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0304-3770(97)00050-8