8 Silica

8.1 Contributors

Matthew R. Hipsey

8.1.1 Variable Summary

The default variables created by this module, and the optionally required linked variables needed for full functionality of this module are summarised in Table 8.1. The diagnostic outputs able to be output are summarised in Table 8.2.

State variables

Table 8.1: Silica - state variables
AED name Symbol Description Unit Type Typical Range Comments
SIL_rsi \[\mathbf{RSi}\] dissolved reactive silica concentration \[\small{mmol\:Si/m^3}\] pelagic 0 - 500 .
Dependent variables
SDF_Fsed_rsi \[\mathbf{F}_{sed}^{rsi}\] reference sediment \(RSi\) flux \[\small{mmol \:Si/m^2/s}\] benthic -300 - 300 read and output as /day, but internally used as /s


Table 8.2: Silica - diagnostic variables
AED name Symbol Description Unit Type Typical Range Comments
diag_level = 2+
SIL_sed_rsi \[\mathbf{\mathcal{F}}_{sed}^{rsi}\] \(RSi\) exchange across sediment-water interface \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^2/d}\] benthic 0 - 50 .

8.1.2 Parameter Summary

The parameters and settings used by this module are summarised in Table 8.3.

Table 8.3: Silica module parameters and configuration options
AED name Symbol Description Unit Type Typical Range Comments
rsi_initial \[RSi|_{t=0}\] initial \(RSi\) concentration \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^3}\] float 0 - 5000 can be overwritten by initial condition files
rsi_min \[RSi\rfloor_{min}\] minimum \(RSi\) concentration \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^3}\] float 0 optional limitier
rsi_max \[RSi\rceil^{max}\] maximum \(RSi\) concentration \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^3}\] float 600 optional limitier
Sediment exchange
Fsed_rsi \[F_{sed}^{rsi}\] reference sediment \(RSi\) flux at \(20^{\circ}C\) \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^2/d}\] float -300 - 300 .
Ksed_rsi \[K_{sed}^{rsi}\] half-saturation oxygen conc. controlling \(Si\) flux \[\small{mmol\: Si/m^3}\] float 20 - 100 .
theta_sed_rsi \[\theta_{sed}^{rsi}\] Arrhenius temperature multiplier for sediment \(Si\) flux \[\small{-}\] float 1.0 - 1.2 .
Fsed_rsi_variable variable name to link to for spatially resolved sediment zones \[\small{-}\] string SDF_Fsed_rsi optional link to enable spatially resolved fluxes
silica_reactant_variable \[O_2\] state variable used to control \(Si\) sediment release \[\small{-}\] string OXY_oxy optional link for oxygen control on sediment \(Si\) release

8.2 Setup & Configuration

An example aed.nml parameter specification block for the aed_silica module is shown below:

    !-- Initial value
     rsi_initial              = 12.5
    !-- Sediment flux
     Fsed_rsi                 = 1.8
     Ksed_rsi                 = 50.0
     theta_sed_rsi            = 1.08
     silica_reactant_variable = 'OXY_oxy'
     Fsed_rsi_variable        = 'SDF_Fsed_rsi'